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It don't feel like you love me as the days go by * no*
As the days go bye x2*no*
Imma smoke that shit down as the days go by *blow that smoke *
As the days go bye x2
*blow that smoke*
As the days go bye
As each day goes bye
As each day goes bye bye bye * Bye Bye !*
As the days go byeeee
Bye bye byeeeee *bye bye bye bye*

Off these drugs slumped over
Yeah I'm slumped over
Need my desi- roller
-wheres my designated roller
Girl come over x2
Like we playing red rover
Girl come over
You hot like Stouffer's
Hot like Stouffer's
Ily like my loafers
Luv you like my loafer's
Yeah I'm popping up like gophers
Popping up like gophers
Pink hair like gowther
When i hit say faster or slower
Faster or slower?
Gir faster or slower
Do you want more kush or xanny to get
Higher or lower
Higher or lower get higher or lower
-its kelzo the dragon
Im spitting fire from my lair
Yo bitch all in my lair
Yeah yeah yeah i had to take herr
We rocking like McJagger
Sipping on some J(Y)anger
-Imma fold that pussy like sesh paper
Now were breathing like Darth Vader-
I had to say the best for later
Singing fucka hater
Good green got good gator
Screaming shouts to fuckin taylorr !
Screaming shouts to fuckin taylor
Shouts to fuckin taylor x3

It don't feel like you love me as the days go by * no*
As the days go bye x2*no*
Imma smoke that shit down as the days go by *blow that smoke *
As the days go bye x2
*blow that smoke*
As the days go bye
As each day goes bye
As each day goes bye bye bye * Bye Bye !*
As the days go byeeee
Bye bye byeeeee *bye bye bye bye*
Bye Bye Bye Bye!x12
And once those days gone ain't no coming back
Yeah there ain't no coming back
Told her ain't no coming back
Told em ain't no coming back
I'm just a running back
Duffyboy running back

And she running that
Give me top she runnin that

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